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Peace of mind SAP C_ACTIVATE13 online test
What is Scrum of Scrums?
A. Alternative to regular Scrum process for smaller teams
B. Frequent inspection of code and configuration prior to Quality Gates
C. Mechanism for gathering and validating requirements
D. Integration meeting among the various Scrum teams
You are defining the Testing Strategy for your project. What would you include in a Scope of Integration test?
A. The connectivity between database and application servers
B. The functionality of End-to-End business processes
C. The functionality of Modular Process
D. The network communication
What are some of the key topics covered in the Customer Team Enablement workstream? (Choose three.)
A. Planning Skills
B. Planning Skills
C. Technical Expertise
D. Project Management
E. Project Sourcing Approach
In which phase do you create “an ordered list of everything that is known to be needed in the product”?
A. Realize
B. Prepare
C. Explore
D. Deploy
Which collaboration features can SAP Jam users access in the SAP Methodologies Jam group? (Choose two.)
A. Ask questions
B. Update Key Deliverable wikis
C. Tweet questions
D. Comment on Key Deliverables
What is the primary purpose of the SAP Activate Methodology?
A. To provide the sequence of actions in the project
B. To enable access to the SAP Ecosystem
C. To provide end-to-end Application Lifecycle Management
D. To manage solution documentation
Which of the following are levels in the structure of an SAP Best Practices for SAP S/4HANA Solution Package?
(Choose two.)
A. Scope Items
B. Configuration Guides
C. Business Process Scenarios
D. Building Blocks
What tool provide guidance on replacing custom code developed for SAP ERP with SAP S/4HANA functionality for the
“System Conversion” transition path?
A. Software Provisioning Manager
B. Software Update Manager with Database Migration Option
C. SAP Code Inspector
D. Simplification Item Check (SI-Check)
Via which media does SAP provide Ready-to-run systems for SAP S/4HANA deployments? (Choose two.)
A. SAP Solution Builder tool
B. Blu-ray disks
C. SAP Cloud Appliance Library
D. SAP App Center
Which of the following belong to the Application Design and Configuration workstream for SAP S/4HANA Cloud in the
Explore phase?
A. Kick-off workshop
B. Configuration definition
C. Fit-to-standard workshop
D. Integration prerequisites confirmation
What are some of the key characteristics of the implementation approach in SAP Activate Methodology? (Choose two.)
A. On premise only
B. Fixed scope
C. Based on Ready-to-use Content
D. Cloud Ready
What Sprint types are part of the SAP Activate Methodology? (Choose three.)
A. Foundational
B. Foundational
C. Build
D. Daily
E. Initial
What capabilities does SAP API Business Hub provide to help you select integration options for your project? (Choose
A. Recommendations on using integration bus (SAP PO or SAP CPI)
B. Pre-packaged integrations
C. Integration with IDE and Code Generation
D. Sandbox for testing APIs
E. Advice on selecting Scope Items in SAP Best Practices Explorer
Here is the answer:
Q1: D, Q2: B, Q3: BCD, Q4: C, Q5: AD, Q6: C, Q7: AD, Q8: C, Q9: BC, Q10: BC, Q11: CD, Q12: ABC, Q13: ABD
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